This is a notification banner. It got your attention.

The doggone minimal website (DMW).

And it’s really a great website - clean and simple.

The Doggone Minimal Website is a single web page template that was inspired by other, foul-mouthed websites. The template for this web page came from the "Perfect 'Foul-Mouthed'" who kindly gave permission for others to do with it whatever they pleased. So, I took out the foul-mouthed parts and added some things.

Some minimal things are needed to make this site perfect.

Let's talk about headings. The one above with the red underscore is an h2. You can go down to h6 if desired.

This h3 looks a bit different.

The point of headings and subheadings is to differentiate levels. That's why they each look a bit different.

This is an h4 heading.

Below I'll list h5 and h6 headers. They look a bit different.

This is an h5.

It gets smaller and has a different feel.

And this is an h6 header.

This is the lowest level.

Some doggone declarations make it better.

Some wrangling of CSS and HTML is all it took to turn that site into this finally masterpiece. It’s so simple yet still has all the glories of the original perfect website.

You can use code to get "fancified" like this text that looks fancy, It does this 'cause it's linked to stylesheet code. I think.

And, oh, about this website...

By the way, you can enter "code" format. This mini-paragraph is in between the code tags. That's why it looks a bit different, all monospacey looking.

This is a random picture. It's just here, hanging out. But it's probably a very nice picture.

And guess what, friend:

It’s easy to improve reliability on your site. See below for ways to do this.

Random but true:: you can add internal links, like this: Internal link to a section. Click that internal link and you'll jump to another point on this page. Do it.

A little more accessibility

You should take care of people. The HTML tag doesn’t include the lang attribute in your webpage.
Have you ever listened to a wrong language screen reader lecture? What a bad experience.

We've got buttons. Push the button.

Press to Check My GitHub Profile

Internal links can be set up

Kinda already said this, but here it is again. This is section is hooked up with the internal link at the top of the page.

To do it, set an "a" anchor link (the place you want to jump to), then, set a hyperlink somewhere else on the page with the # symbol. That way you can jump from the # link to the "a" anchor location. Like this link that jumps to the top of the page: Jump to top of page.

Typography matters

Don’t be dumb with typography. Don’t let improper marks and quotes make their way onto websites because of dumb defaults in applications and CMSs. "These quotations marks are supposed to be curly the way. But they're not." This is a good example of bad typography and something to be fixed on the dmw.html file.

And did you let the browser choose the font? Don’t make someone read text with Times New Roman.

This likely is in a different font (depending on your browser).

You can change the colors too, if you want to. (Think I already said that as well.)

Another thing is to change the size, like this.

Tables are clean.

First you add some style stuff in the head.../head up top. That prettifies it. Then add the table.

HTML Table

Company Contact Country
Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Germany
Centro comercial Moctezuma Francisco Chang Mexico
Ernst Handel Roland Mendel Austria
Island Trading Helen Bennett UK
Laughing Bacchus Winecellars Yoshi Tannamuri Canada
Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Giovanni Rovelli Italy

License, add a license.

Do you dislike intellectual property? No. So you must choose a license.
And, you can let others improve this site, which is nice.

Yes, this is the last section

If you wish, you can use or work on this site. The GitHub link is above.

Blockquotes are cool too. They look like this...

“If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it still fall?”
— Somebody


Inspired by the geniuses at some brilliant, foul-mouthed websites.

This page licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. It can be reviewed more easily at the Choose a License site.

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